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Alpha Rho Centennial Caucus Groups Organized 575 Days Ahead of 100th Anniversary Weekend in Atlanta

A Call To Caucus For Alpha Rho's 780-Member Alumni Association

By APCAA Staff

To meet the lofty goals associated with the Chapter's Centennial Weekend in January 2024, we have opted to utilize a "caucus" approach for sorting through the many suggestions we've fielded to date. There will be a total of 12 AP caucuses, each led by two Brothers from distinct generations. We have intentionally called upon seldom-asked members of our association to stand up these groups in an effort to provide exposure for the next generation of leaders who will continue build upon the foundation we have developed over the past eight years of the APCAA.

The overall Centennial celebration is led by a trio of recognized leaders, Brothers Earl N. Caldwell II, Clinton Love Johnson, and Sean Michael Moss.

Beginning in September 2022, each of the 24 Caucus Leaders will present their ratified suggestions to the Centennial Chairmen, and then a full membership presentation will be held before execution.

What follows is a suggestion of members for each caucus, and an explanation of their conceptual or literal tasks. We determined that it would be more productive to draft names for caucus participation rather than await the "Alpha Spirit" to move the Brotherhood into action. Brothers not already included in this initial draft are encouraged to make their interest known ASAP so that the their thoughts can be included in the end product. You will find an opportunity to respond to any preliminary grouping in the descriptions that follow this introduction.

"Our genuine hope is that every Alpha Rho Alum will find a way to participate in a Caucus over the next year and a half," said APCAA's President BMaynard Scarborough (Fall 1980). "We encourage all Brothers of our esteemed Chapter to take this opportunity to be counted on the active side of this extraordinary time in our shared history, and thereby make an individual impact on this once-in-a-lifetime gathering of Alpha Rho Men."

Each Brother will be responsible for their own participation fee for the weekend’s events, commemorative items and inner-city transportation. To maintain affordability for the weekend, an all-out corporate sponsorship appeal will be undertaken.

In an effort to re-constitute APCAA's 8+-year-old 501(c)(3) program which has not been active since 2015, Brother Sean Michael Moss (Fall 1980) has been taped to develop and lead a new Legal & Finance Working Group comprised of industry leading practitioners. This group is charged with updating the association's mission as it relates to commemorating a century of relevance on the campus of Morehouse College and outlining future scholarship goals. In a addition to Moss, group members include Brothers Almuhtada R. Smith (Fall 2004), Steven G. Garner (Spring 2008), Eric D. Wells (Spring 2017), James A. Britton (Spring 2001), and Jonathon J. Davis (Fall 2010).

In a deliberate nod toward inclusive participation, our Caucus process welcomes and incorporates our current AP undergraduates – who will all be alumni members in calendar year 2024.

Below, you will find details on the leadership, members and scope of the 12 Caucuses, which are:

  • Budget and Sponsorship Caucus

  • Centennial Week Signature Events Caucus

  • Centennial Great Gathering Program Caucus

  • Centennial Commemorative Journal & Video Caucus

  • Centennial Display & Memorabilia Caucus

  • Centennial Logistics Caucus

  • Centennial Step Show Caucus

  • Amplify Alpha Rho Caucus

  • Centennial SWAG Caucus

  • External/Community Service Caucus

  • "The Henry A. Stewart" Memorial Leadership Award Caucus

  • Rites, Rituals and Traditions Caucus


The undeniable cornerstone of the entire Centennial celebration, this group will help determine what events, purchases and gratuities we can actually undertake. Additionally, the group will lead the development of the sponsorship drive -- which will off-set or reduce the individual participation fee each Brother will need to contribute.

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs Bacon and Farthing, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: James A. Britton, Justin M. Rhim, Brennan W.H. Towe, Steven G. Garner, Marcus N. Daniels, L. Jared Boyd, Aty T. Biswese, Maurice Cooper, Leonard Murray, Daron F. Coates, Rahn K. Bailey, Darren M. Wethers, Tedd M. Alexander, Cyril J. Turner, C. Howie Hodges II, John Wm. Mims, Robert Dixon (F1978), Jerome A. Luke, Wendell S. Bristol, Curley M. Dossman, Matthew W. Plummer, Austin Easterling, Kenny A. Williams, Almuhtada R. Smith, Jason T. Mercer, Patrick E. Carter III, Ernest Holmes, John Lewis, Kelvin Taylor (S1985), Wayne H. Davis, and Amin Aleem.


At present, the weekend activities are scheduled begin Friday afternoon and conclude Sunday afternoon (January 5-7, 2024). This caucus will finalize a roster of events that are reflective of the membership, with some incorporating our significant others, and the Alpha National organization. Most prominent opportunities to consider: The Great Gathering (GG), Golf Tournament (GT), and Ecumenical Service (ES).

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs Greenwood and Gordon, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: Henry M. Goodgame, K. Shaun Rodgers (GT), Tony L. Hall (GG), Alexander Smith (GT), Ulysses W. Burley (ES), John J. Cox (ES), Devon Crawford (ES), Terrelle Bynum (GT), Jason Edwards (GT), Jonathan Wilkins (ES), Richard C. Flippin (ES), George B. Walker (ES), Lester A. McCorn (ES), Al Vivian (GG), Garrett Auzenne (GT), Ezra Robinson (GT), Keith Winfrey (GT), John J. Hunter (ES), Michael P. Cox (GT), John M. Borders IV (ES), Marcus T. McCullough (ES), Johnzel H. Smith (ES), Tavis Thompson (GG), Elijah W.T. Moss (ES), Stephen Chester (GT), William Arterberry (GT), Edwin Alexander (GT), Fred Clark (GT), Anthony Davis (ES), Patrick Thompson (ES), Reginald W. Sharpe (ES), Craig D. Conyers (ES), Jason R. Blake (GG), and Jason Murchison (GT).


Our signature event, The Great Gathering, will take place on Saturday, January 6, 2024. This caucus is responsible for shaping the content of the program -- everything from the visual presentation to the script. An external event coodinator will provide guidance and execute the plan.

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs Sanders and Makerson, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: Wesley White, Jordan D. Lindsay, W. Kenny Rice, Micah D. Moon, Joshua H. McNair, Christian C. Nwachukwu, Trevor J. Julien, Scott Ellison, Morris S. McDaniel, Derrick J. Gilliam, Steven M. Scott, T. Lydel Newsome, Jonathan Green, Ian A. Barrett, Jesse Foy, Stevie Hamilton, Jalen Patton, Austin Pierce, Stuart J. Flemister, Rodney C. Boyd, Jr., Craig A. Woolridge, and Torri Rodney.


The purpose of this Caucus is to research and assemble a visual and written history of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Although this committee requires that brothers have formal or informal training as either a writer, a researcher, a videographer, or a media producer, the committee welcomes brothers with other skills to serve in a supporting role in assisting the execution of this massive undertaking.

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs Bryant and West, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: Chukwudi J. Nwadbia, Henry M. Goodgame, Michael E. Johnson, Adam L. Smith, Allan S. Gray II, Mikal E. Driver, Julien Turner, William Shelton, Ahuacan DeGruy, Alfred Dunn, Billy Gilbert, Chad Steward, Charles Wilkes, Chester White, Christopher McLean, Christian Nwachukwu, Jr., Christopher LuGrand Dawkins, GeJuan Cole, Jason Jones, Michael Webb, Ra'Shaud Haines, Jonathan N. Brown, and Temi Okotieuro.


The coordination of a century's worth of historical material is the responsibility of this inter-generational caucus. With the campus likely closed during the January weekend, the display will most likely need to be a complimentary portion of The Great Gathering, and then perhaps be relocated to the Robert Woodruff Library in the Atlanta University Center. Additionally -- the entirety of the display will need to be digitized for future reference and enjoyment.

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs Smith and Brown, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: Robert L. Williams (F2004), RM Lathan, Henry M. Goodgame, Whitney L. Cain, Dwayne C. Toomer, Charles J. Johnson, Ralph B. Everett, Gordon L. Joyner, Christopher D. Gooding, Mark Anthony G. Davis II, and Jalen C. Mathis.


Capturing the hundreds of AP Brothers attending Centennial Week in a single frame is certain to be a monumental task -- but a task that must be executed with near perfection. In addition to our official photo, this caucus will design a logistics plan that supports each of the main events during the weekend -- managing talent, A/V, transportation, etc. A special emphasis will be placed on making certain that signature events are accessible virtually to Brothers not able to attend in person.

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs Davenport and Bentley, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: Deshaun Bennett, Nicholas B. Fletcher, Ernie W. Quarles, James E. Cheek, Cobbie L. Ransom, Emanuel Payton, Herbert J. Hart, James Williams, Jaylon Johnson, Elliot M. Freeman, Vincent Ferguson, Ernest Holmes, James S. Brown, and Andre Weathers.


This caucus is charged with developing an internal and external promotional campaign that drives physical participation from the Brotherhood, as well as an informational campaign for the greater Alpha Phi Alpha population, Atlanta University Center market, general public, and media.

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs Salter and Ashford, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: Nicholas W. Holland, Darren W. Armstrong, Jeffrey D. Tate, Gregory Head, Craig A. Woolridge, Amani Murph, and Alzay Calhoun.


This caucus is charged with determining the structure and breadth of participants for our multi-generational step presentation. They will also determine whether to include the step show during Centennial Week, or produce the event in-conjunction with our undergrad Chapter during Homecoming, October 2024.

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs Cole and Hopson, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: Jonathan N. Brown, Benjie Ross, Petey R. Franklin, Erick M. Guillory, Reginald R. Tabor, Kenneth Forward, Michael Ernst, Bakari X. Greene, Rayvon Miles, Tariq McAllister, Zack Bond, Kylen D. Dent, and Rodney Gross.


The deliverables from this caucus will premiere at Homecoming 2023 -- two months before the actual Centennial Weekend. Likely items to be featured include shirts, hats, jackets ... but this all-star team of creative talents is also encouraged to consider developing SWAG that stands out as signature Alpha Rho. In addition to wearables, the caucus will also design the Centennial pendant, medallion, and/or ring.

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs Newman and Nero, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: Garrett Howard, Donnay M. Ragland, James M. Jeter, Romero Ross, John L. G. White, Gregory T. Burrell, Gerry K. Mayfield, Cornell D. Young, Terrick A. Gutierrez, Micah Holmes, Grant Bentley, Dimone G. Long II, Olamide Fagbamiye, Bakari Smith, Quintin Paschall, and Brendan K. Fountaine.


The reach of this Caucus is unique in that it extends beyond the Atlanta marketplace and reaches into all cities where AP Brothers can be organized to serve their community. Happening simultaneously across the nation, the AP Day of Service will be designed as a recurring annual outreach program.

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs Golden and Sparks, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: John Williams, Keyon S. Payton, Shaun A. Spearmon, Tracy G. McDaniel, Russell I. Buchanan, Walter Z. Falconer, George B. Brown, Malcolm Tyler, Harry E. Johnson, Cameron D. Hawkins, Emile C. Thompson, E. David Ballard, Jason E. Murchison, Grantley Whitaker, Isaiah A. Horne-Friar, Wayne H. Davis, and Cleon N. Rice.


In fulfillment of our pledge to honor the legacy of Brother Henry Allen Stewart (Spring 1999), the first annual Henry Allen Stewart Memorial Leadership Award, or "Henny Award," will be presented at our Centennial Great Gathering. This caucus will review nominations and select a honoree who encompasses a similar leadership, learning and professional posture as did Brother Stewart, and who is aged 43 or younger at the time of nomination.

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs Woodfin and the 2023-24 Guardian of The Obelisk, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: Jamil H. Macklin, Leonard T. Bell, Robert P. Williams (S1999), Richard P. Fordjour, Fred S. Humphries, Theodore Colbert IV, Jesiah T. Osbourne, James S. Brown, Brian B. Baytop, Barry E. Lee, Stanley Mosby, Archie B. Meyer, Osakwe S. Beale, Jason McGowan, Johnnie Simmons, Arrin Richards, Sean T. Reaves, and Edward Richardson.


This caucus will work to chronicle the existence of rites, rituals and traditions that are unique to Alpha Rho Chapter. This group is also charged with the development of a formal introduction rites ceremony for new initiates into Alpha Rho Chapter (Fall 2024 and beyond). This completed single document will be stored in the archives of APCAA and be accessible to association members by documented permission only. This will not be a public publication.

*** Under the leadership of Caucus co-chairs DeGruy and Nix, Brothers who have been confirmed, or hope to be recruited for this Caucus include: Jonathan Noel Brown, Michael J. Ward, Henry M. Goodgame, James Neal III, Michael D. Williams, Ronald J. Sheehy, Ari Wright-Thompson, Jordan J. Tafari, Kenneth Hymes, and Frank J. Kidd.


Please take a moment to CONFIRM, JOIN, or CHANGE your engagement with one of the 12 Caucuses that will shape our legendary Centennial Week, January 5-7, 2024:


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