215 Alpha Rho Alums Contribute To Top Affinity Group Honors ($155,000) For MLK Chapel Chairishing Campaign
Alpha Rho's 75th Anniversary Line, Spring 1999's Intrepid 25, Tapped In With 100% Individual Seats
By APCAA Staff
An extensive survey of member donor receipts and recent Martin Luther King, Jr. International Chapel chair inscriptions have revealed that Alpha Rho Chapter Alumni contributed upwards of $155,000 toward renovations of the 45-year-old Morehouse College landmark during the institution's "Chairishing Campaign." Altogether, some 215 chapter Brothers purchased individual and/or line sponsorships of engraved seats in their own names or in honor of another chapter alumnus.
In addition to Intrepid's full line individual seat sweep, several Alpha Rho lines internally crowd sourced to purchase a signature seat — including Anastasis 25 (Fall 1998), Imperious 20 (Fall 2004), and Veracious 17 (Spring 2007). A notable number of tribute seats were also purchased in honor of Alpha Rho Brothers now in Omega Chapter, including Bros. Asa Greenwood Yancey, Sr. (Spring 1935), Charles Waymond Merideth (Fall 1958), and Henry Allen Stewart (Spring 1999). And another wave of sponsored seats came in the form of dedications to family members of Alpha Rho Brothers, namely for former Morehouse College administrator Donald G. Webster c/o 1951 and alum Michael Webster (by Bro. Donald E. Webster Spring 1978), Katherine & Henry Goodgame, Sr. (by Bro. Henry M. Goodgame, Jr. Fall 1981), and Dr. Jann H. Adams (by Bro. Gino Brogdon, Jr. Spring 2007).
According to the donor narrative provided on the college's website, "... investment in preserving King Chapel, our global treasure at Morehouse, is an investment in the ideals, values, vision, and courage of emerging servant scholar-leaders, who, in ways small and grand, will carry on King’s legacy and fulfill his dream. A $1,500 gift enables the sponsorship of a new tuxedo seat with an engraved plaque that will be on display in the historic venue that has hosted lectures by world dignitaries, scholars, theologians, celebrities, and newsmakers."
The internationally acclaimed Dean of the King Chapel, the Rev. Dr. Lawrence Edward Carter, Sr., has spent the past four decades building the world house memorial into a global ministry that promotes excellence, ethics, equality, and engagement, while encouraging and inspiring ambassadors of peace, unity, and harmony to carry King’s work and commitment to human dignity by saving democracy for all.
APCAA calculated participation and contribution levels by the visual representations featured below and by way of survey responses with verified donor receipts from Brothers whose MLK Chapel chair plate inscriptions have yet-to-be installed by Morehouse College's OIA department.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Morehouse College is solely responsible for the development of "CHAIRISHING CAMPAIGN" engravings and installments inside of MLK Chapel. APCAA did not conduct any financial transactions on behalf of the college for this campaign.]