Make Your Own History On GIVING TUESDAY ... By Supporting Alpha Rho Chapter's 100th Anniversary!

Greetings Friends (and soon to be supporters of Alpha Rho Chapter's Centennial):
During my career I've had the professional pleasure of developing milestone anniversary fundraisers for Boston Ballet Company, Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries, and now, the 100th Anniversary of my beloved Alpha Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
This particular milestone has been under development for the past ten years -- gathering artifacts, assembling databases, and aligning underwriters -- so that we not only celebrate the occasion, but also stand-up a significant educational foundation that will support future generations of Morehouse Men well into our next 100 years.
To that end -- we write to you today to encourage you to make your own history by using this GIVING TUESDAY to join us in our Centennial Celebration. We invite you to purchase seats/tables at our upcoming Great Gathering fundraising experience, or make a tax-deductible contribution to our non-profit Westside Scholarship Consortium in honor of a living, fallen or future* Alpha Phi Alpha Man.
To make your own history in supporting Alpha Rho Chapter's Centennial, please link HERE!
Thank you! And with best regards from the 1,334 Alpha Rho Men worldwide,

Bro. BMaynard Scarborough, Founder & President
Alpha Rho Chapter Alumni Association (APCAA)
