Our cAP Line Has A Fit For Every Generation ... Which One Fits YOU?

RESTOCKED AND READY TO SHIP, WORLDWIDE: Following the January launch of our "AP est. 1924" line, these high-quality, twill-embossed cAPs have landed on the heads of Brothers from all generations dating back to the 1950s -- specifically pictured here by Brother Patrick Range (Fall 1958) of Miami. And even some seldom-seen Brothers have emerged to floss their new head gear -- noting Brother "Mike Nice" Ernst (Fall 1982)!
A "gifting trend" has also emerged where Brothers "cAP IT FORWARD" and purchase to honor an AP SENIOR MEMBER, their SPECIAL, their NUMBER, or even another LINE BROTHER. Whatever the sitch, please consider joining the number and supporting the campaign, today!

As noted before, Brother Greg Burrell (Spring 1987) fully funded the production of the cAPs so that all the proceeds can go directly to the AP Bereavement Fund, which is being administered by Brother Nicholas Fletcher (Fall 1998).
The cAPs are $45 each and private ordering can be made by sending $45, using family and friends option at PayPal @gregoryburrell1. Pls be sure to include your or the intended mailing address when submitting.
Thanks to all the early adopters who copped their cAPs early on!
