Alpha Rho Alumni To Add Inimitable 24, Preeminent 19, And Novellus 18 To 90th Anniversary Obelisk At

Fact: All 1,351 Morehouse Men who were initiated into the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. via the Alpha Rho Chapter stand firmly on the shoulders of our 13 Charter Members, pictured above as Sphinxmen in this historic image from 1923 (three members not shown).
On Saturday October 26, 2019, alumni and undergrad Brothers of the Alpha Rho Chapter will gather for the unveiling of the latest series of pledge lines to be engraved on the Chapter's 90th Anniversary Obelisk on the campus of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. With the addition of the Inimitable 24 (Spring 2017), Preeminent 19 (Spring 2018), and Novellus 18 (Spring 2019), the chapter's initiation timeline is complete -- showcasing an entry for each of the 1,351 members -- dating back to our Charter Day, January 5, 1924.
This year's Obelisk event is being led by Brother Chairman Joshua Hubert McNair (Fall 2003) with Vice-Chairs Clinton Love Johnson (Spring 2009) and Jonathan Noel Brown (Fall 1989). Special thanks go out to Line Captains Michael Tucker Hall (Inimitable 24), Grant Bennett (Preeminent 19), and Dimone Gerard Long (Novellus 18) for their leadership within their respective lines.
The unveiling will also feature five Alpha Rho Lines whose entry on the Obelisk is updated to reflect their entry into the "Gold Society," which signifies that 75% or more of their line members have made a contribution to Morehouse College in the past four years. Joining the "Gold" ranks will be the Notorious 11 (Fall 1988), the Surreptitious 20 (Fall 1989), the Intrepid 25 (Spring 1999), the APotheotic 21 (Spring 2009), and the Zionic 23 (Fall 2013). Line leadership in helping these lines achieve this honor include Brothers Kevin J. Salter (Notorious 11), Kevin P. Smith (Surreptitious 20), Ahuacan D. DeGruy (Intrepid 25), and Austin Easterling (Zionic 23).
The unveiling will take place at 12:06 pm prior to the Homecoming 2019 tailgate experience. Congratulations to all the Good Brothers!