UPDATED: Brother Jeffrey Butler Wraps Spring Break Mission To Liberia, And Thanks The Brotherhood F
Mission Complete!
Alpha Rho Alums were key to funding the mission trip Brother Butler made earlier this month to Liberia. Also key was the connection made with AP Brother Desmond Diggs (Spring 2007) while in the motherland. Morehouse College partnered with Planting a Seed International in service trips to Liberia, West Africa. This non-profit organization devotes their life to service all over the world. During spring break, they traveled to Liberia and conducted service with the communities. In 10 days they worked on projects such as, school supply distributions, classroom tutoring, facility renovating, and community outreach.
Jeffrey's THANK YOU to the Brotherhood, in his own words:
Greetings Brothers: I would like to formally thank you for supporting my passion in my trip to Liberia. Morehouse College partnered with Planting a Seed International in this life changing event. This experience could not happen without you all. The trip was a breath-taking experience. First, we went to Divine Rock Orphanage where we spoke with the kids and met some of the faculty there. The orphanage was organized by a local pastor who devoted her life to this cause. She explained to us how unlike in America, the government provides services for children such as child protective services and foster homes. Unfortunately, in Liberia they do not have service of such matter. The government takes abandoned kids even toddlers to the orphanage with no resources or support to help them out. Also, we went to Orange Grove Elementary School which is our sponsor school. Orange Grove is about an hour outside of the city in the Grand Bassa County of Liberia. The school is in need of major help in all aspects. However, the kids are so welcoming and joyful just to be alive. We built two picnic table and bench sets for their library. During this time the kids were so happy to see us, and we played games the whole time we were there. Another day we learned about the history of Liberia. With the country being colonized by America there are so many correlations. The same corrupt justice system that lives in America is still happening in Liberia. The United States gives millions of dollars to Liberia however it doesn’t reach the proper facilities. However, all in all the experience was great. I will definitely make it a mission to go back in the winter.
Best Regards, Jeffrey Butler
Dual Engineering Major
Morehouse College Class 2019
Alpha Rho Spring 2017
Jeffrey's original appeal for support, in his own words:
Hi my name is Jeffrey Butler. I am a Junior, Dual Degree Applied Physics Mechanical Engineering Major at Morehouse College. Since birth my family has stressed the importance of giving back to the community and serving others. It is very important that we're not selfish with our gifts and share it among the world. As a christian, I know this is the work of God and he has designed my life to where I am today. Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes God has to take you through events to develop the person he needs you to be for your blessing. I believe this trip is one of the events and I need your help with achieving this goal. I know this program is just the beginning of my enriching journey of helping others.