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#LatePost: Atlanta-based Alpha Rho Chapter Brothers Wrap Summer Season With Smoker & Field Day

It's fortunate for the Atlanta-based alumni of Alpha Rho Chapter that we managed to produce a hybrid summer gathering on August 28th after some 18-months of Covid-19 cancellations and precautions. Little did we know at the time that our annual tailgate/reunion during Morehouse College's homecoming weekend would be shelved for mid-October. Looking back, this past summer's multi-generational gathering of Brothers based in, or visiting, the metro-Atlanta area proved to be a much needed opportunity to refresh ourselves in fellowship and friendly competition, as demonstrated by the strong participation from the membership.

The day's festivities were dedicated in honor of our late Brother Henry Allen Stewart -- a principal architect of the Alpha Rho Chapter Alumni Association (APCAA). Also of note, the outing turned out to be the first group event held at Atlanta's newest (and largest) public park, the Westside Park Reservoir.

This first Atlanta-based outing was chaired by Brother Darren Armstrong (Metamorphic 18 -- Fall 2003) pictured centermost down front as he self-captured his brethren as they assembled atop the overlook of the Westside Park Reservoir. To the left of Armstrong is Brother Lincoln Barrington, who serves as the current president of the undergraduate chapter at Morehouse College. Others pictured displaying their signature "PHI-PHONE" are from upper left Brother Cameron Hawkins (Metamorphic 18 -- Fall 2003), Brother Kenny Forward (Novellus 18 -- Spring 2019), Brother Jordan Tafari (Inimitable 24 -- Spring 2017), and Brother Ian Barrett (Novellus 18 -- Spring 2019).

The title independent sponsor for this first-ever field day was Brother Whitney Cain (Notorious 11 -- Fall 1988) at left, who traveled down from South Carolina. Brothers Shaun Rodgers (Synergistic 22 -- Spring 2002) and Victor Leslie (Indomitable 19 -- Spring 2006) are pictured to the right. Not pictured, but also clutch in pulling the many moving pieces together, was Brother Robert Percy Williams (Intrepid 25 -- Spring 1999) who sponsored the equipment for the volleyball tourney.

Without doubt -- an MC Master was born that afternoon as Brother Mark Anthony Davis (Preeminent 19 -- Spring 2018) took to, and owned the hype machine for the day! Davis is on the mic at far right, along with his line brothers (from left) Quintin Paschall and Micah Holmes -- both visiting the ATL from NYC.

The "Hood" readies for gameplay under their pavilion located adjacent to the Westside Park Reservoir.

Two AP teams assemble to compete in the volleyball tournament -- the sports centerpiece of the 1st annual Summer Smoker & Field Day at Atlanta's Westside Park. We forgot which team won.

Trying not to look shook -- Brother Don Webster (Flamboyant Southern Five -- Fall 1978) takes the walk of shame from the active sports field after failing to raise a viable team for the volleyball tourney. Was it the Timberlands that dashed his hopes of taking home the gold?

A sock-footed Brother Isaiah Horne (Novellus 18 -- Spring 2019) leads a leaping Brother Mikal Driver (Prodigious 17 -- Spring 2015) into the turf in the football 3X3 competition that ultimately led to another win that no one can accurately remember. Good times!

Brother Zack "Holliwood" Bond (Novellus 18 -- Spring 2019), at far left, and Brothers Kenny Forward (Novellus 18), Lami Fagbamiye (Anomalous 11 -- Spring 2020), and Kyle Durham (Novellus 18), take a break between competition to make "PHI-PHONE" calls to the slow to arrive set. They all got voicemails.

The Good Brother Rollie Farthing (Reviviscent 9 -- Spring 1982) accepts the Brotherhood nod for the traveling the farthest distance to fellowship with the Atlanta crew -- 1,070 miles roundtrip!

Where more than one is assembled, surely a lil Brotherhood stroll will soon commence! As was the case midway thru the day's sports competitions. And as usual, AP brought the passersby to a complete halt! That stray "Que" captured at the bottom above couldn't keep up.

And while many Brothers are called to stroll ... clearly, Surreptitious 20 (Fall 1989) Line Brothers RM Lathan and Kevin "KP" Smith missed hop practice the night before and had to stay sidelined ... along with every other Chapter Brother who pledged Alpha Rho pre-2010!

Metamorphic 18 -- Fall 2003 Brothers (l-r) Matthew McNeil, Cameron Hawkins, Joshua McNair turned out strong to support their own line Brother, Atlanta Smoker/Field Day Chairman Darren Armstrong.

Another strong line showing was made by the Brothers from the APotheotic 21 (Spring 2009) -- pictured here l-r are Brothers Tony Hall, Michael Street, Clint Johnson and Andre Ellis.

Arriving late still keeps you great in the eyes of the Chapter, and yes, that calls for a follow-up group photo for the history books! Pictured above (l-r, front row) Brothers Ernest Holmes (Preeminent 19 -- Spring 2018), Kadeem Haugabook (Inimitable 24 -- Spring 2017), Sean Romero (Preeminent 19 -- Spring 2018), Alex Jackson (Preeminent 19 -- Spring 2018), Grantley Whitaker (Preeminent 19 -- Spring 2018), and in back are Tavis Thompson (Novellus 18 -- Spring 2019) and Geordan Colden (Anomalous 11 -- Spring 2020).

Brother Theo Colbert IV (Anomalous 11 -- Spring 2020) was introduced at the Chapter gathering as the "2021-22 AP Guardian Of The Obelisk" -- the undergrad Brother charged with protecting the spiritual and visual integrity of the 90th Alpha Rho Chapter Anniversary Memorial Obelisk on the century campus at Morehouse College. In addition to the inscribed plaque left in his care for this school year, he now becomes the trustee of the ceremonial medallion initially bestowed upon the late Brother Henry Allen Stewart (Intrepid 25 --Spring 1999) at the October, 2015 dedication ceremony. Brother Stewart, who entered Omega Chapter in March 2021, was one of the chief architects of the Alpha Rho Chapter Alumni Association (APCAA) and the affiliated obelisk. Colbert follows as "Guardian" in the footsteps of Brothers Bakari Greene (2015), Raheem Jessop (2016), Billy Cobb-Gulley (2017) and Johnzel Smith (2019).

Back over at the AP Pavilion, the brothers established a new peer relationship with 4 young entrepreneur (real-life) brothers who happened along the Chapter gathering as they marketed their "Yummy Brothers" gourmet cookies. Polite, pointed and proficient -- the savvy neighborhood salesmen departed with multiple bags sold and pledging to one day make Morehouse College part of their life story!

A tasty sidebar: Yummy Brothers is comprised of 4 kid entrepreneurs who have a love and desire to make people happy with food and desserts inspired from recipes from their great-grandmother, grandmother, and mom. Together with their mom, they created gourmet cookies made with all natural ingredients. Their dad, also an entrepreneur, joined in to help them create the business behind the name,!

The Chapter photog for the day, Brother Jaylon Johnson (Novellus 18 -- Spring 2019), delivered a well-crafted play-by-play of the attendees, activities and fellowship.

The distinct skyline of Downtown Atlanta, Georgia frames the early group photo for the day's attendees taken from the majestic overlook at the Westside Reservoir Park. Special thanks to Brother Michael Davenport (Preeminent 19 -- Spring 2018), pictured centermost, who handled the sounds that ignited the entire park, in partnership with DJ Tarxan.

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Overview captured by Brother BMaynard Scarborough, Fall 1980, with principal photography by Brother Jaylon Johnson, Spring 2019.


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