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Alpha Rho Chapter's Oldest Alumni Brother Alexander Leon Harris (Fall 1939) Passes At 103

Our Esteemed Brother Alexander Leon Harris (Fall 1939) has entered Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.'s Omega Chapter. Brother Harris, age 103, passed in his hometown of Detroit, Michigan on May 11, 2020.

Brother Harris was born and raised in Harlem, New York, and played sports with the Boys Club in Harlem. Because he had outstanding athletic abilities, he was recommended to attend Morehouse College on an athletic scholarship in 1939 and played on the Morehouse basketball team until his graduation in 1942 with a degree in journalism. He also served as the Editor of the Maroon Tiger Newspaper. He resided in Robert Hall on the Morehouse campus during his undergrad matriculation.

His survivors include one daughter who graduated from Spelman College -- Dr. Marsha Harris Clement, DDS, and a grandson who is also a Morehouse alumnus -- Wesley Dobbs Clement, Jr. Dr. Clement was also a member of the Alpha Rho Chapter Homecoming Court during her undergrad years.

Brother Harris' memorial service will be held virtually on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 3-4 pm EST via the following live stream link:


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