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Largest Gathering Of Alpha Rho Alums Takes Place On 97th Charter Day -- 475 Bros Go Virtual On Zoom!

The stats are finally in -- and after reviewing the entire 6-hour Charter Day Zoom Call we were able to identify 475 Alpha Rho Brothers who logged-in to the historic gathering between the hours of 9pm and 3am EST (January 5-6, 2021). At one point in the evening, there were some 288 Brothers in the group simultaneously, with the balance of the 475 attendees joining periodically throughout the zoom call. Altogether, there are approximately 790 living Alpha Rho Chapter alumni.

Prior to this year's gathering, the presumed record-holding event would occur at Morehouse College's annual homecoming tailgate in October of each year. No known official tally has been made from any tailgate experience, but it's highly unlikely that no more than 300 Alpha Rho Alums have attended in any given year.

Now in the 7th year of the decade-long march toward our Centennial Celebration in 2024, the APCAA began organizing annual Charter Day gatherings across the nation in 2014 that ultimately led to the development of our historic Alpha Rho International Census (APIC) which included a first-ever documentation (names & images) of the 1,293 Morehouse Men who were initiated into the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. from 1924-2020 (

Helping to deliver on creating a virtual depiction on what life in Alpha Rho was like in the decades leading up to our 97th Charter Day were Brothers Caleb Bugg SPR 2017, Charles Wilkes FA 2010, Shannon Joyner SPR 2006, Darren Armstrong FA 2003, Whitney Cain FA 1988, Earl Caldwell FA 1982, Wayne Turnquest SPR 1980, Al Coles SPR 1977, E. David Ballard FA 1974, Gordon Joyner FA 1969, Charles West FA 1963, and Bill Clement FA 1961. Special thanks to Brothers Justin Bryant FA 2010 and Deshaun Bennett SPR 2013 for the administrative leadership in making the 2021 Charter Day gathering possible. And of course the Phenomenal 15's counter-solo on the frat hymn closed out the first 3 hours with Brothers Ernie Quarles and Henry Goodgame, both Fall 1981.

Let's keep building engagement as we march toward our Centennial Year Good Brothers!


Brother BMaynard Scarborough, Fall 1980

APCAA President

While it's nearly impossible to capture all the best moments from a zoom gathering with almost every type-A personality that graced the Morehouse College campus over the past 70-80 years participating, we did attempt to highlight a few dubious mentions to help illustrate the friendly pandemonium that was ... Alpha Rho@97 Years! Read on ...


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