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FALL 2018 Undergraduate Brother's Service Appeal: Bro. Emmanuel Badru (Spring 2018) Is Off To Li

AP Brotherhood --

Once every semester we try to group fund an undergraduate Brother's positive movements to help others in need. This time around we hope to make an impact in the sponsorship goal for Emmanuel Badru and his service trip to Liberia. He's just over $2,000 short of his goal.Brother Badru is the tail neophyte on the Spring 2018 Preeminent 19. You'l find the details on his service trip below. Thanks for giving where you can.

BMaynard Scarborough, Fall 1980

$984 of $3,000 goal

Raised by 25 people in 4 months

Greetings All! I am Emmanuel Badru, a senior psychology major from Atlanta, GA attending Morehouse College. Recently I was selected to participate in a service trip to Haiti. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, the trip was not able to happen. However, I was fortunate enough to be selected for a trip to Liberia instead. This will be my first trip to Africa, and I could not think of a better way to pay homage to the Motherland. During our time in Liberia, we will be providing aid to local schools and communities. While assisting them with providing school supplies and clothes, we will be exploring the cities of Liberia and engaging with the native people. We are scheduled to depart on December 11th and return on the 23rd of that month. However, all funds are due by November 15th. I am genuinely asking for you to invest in me as I use these means to make a difference in the life of someone across the world.

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