Brothers -- Here's How YOU can Support MOREHOUSE COLLEGE, Alpha Rho, and Tomorrow's Leaders
The road to fulfilling our $2.5 million campaign to support scholarship opportunities at Morehouse College is paved with simple equations. There are some 660 Alpha Rho Brothers within our ranks, and by establishing a recurring gift to the campaign utilizing the 7-year gift table below, we are able to easily chart our campaign growth as we approach the chapter's Centennial on January 5, 2024. Remember that the society levels below are reflective of your giving over a 7-year period. As an example: If you choose to commit and be recognized at the BLACK & GOLD SOCIETY Level, your monthly recurring gift to the college will be $128.21 -- resulting in a $10,000 total contribution by the time of the chapter's Centennial in 2024.

You can choose to make monthly recurring donations towards your commitment, make an annual donation, or provide a lump sum donation to meet the society level you desire.

Without doubt, the Alpha Rho Brotherhood is rich in spirit. We're also fortunate in that there are several Brothers who have, and will commit to donating $25,000 toward the centennial campaign -- which breaks down to $3,571, every year for the next seven years. But are there 100 of them out there? Well, the committee sure hopes so! According to the college's most recent annual giving report, there were 25 Alpha Rho Brothers who donated $5,000 or more during the last fiscal year ... so there's that good history to build upon! Rise Up SPHINX SOCIETY!

Recent conversations between the campaign committee and a sampling of the Brotherhood clearly indicates that the bulk of our commitments will be at the $10,000 level, or BLACK & GOLD SOCIETY Level. Certainly, there will be higher and lower levels of participation, but the demographics point to this as our sweet spot.

The second most-popular level of participation is expected to fall here, at the $5,000 level or ICE COLD SOCIETY. At present, there are approximately 55 Brothers who are donors at a level equal to this society, but not necessarily designated to the Alpha Rho Endowment Fund.

So, with that background on logical paths to success for the Alpha Rho Centennial Campaign in mind, hopefully you'll take the time to now visit the college's secure giving website and join the Brotherhood in advancing us along the simple route we've designed. You'll find a dropdown menu for the fund at:

Hopefully we've provided a solid backgrounder on the Alpha Rho Centennial Campaign and its working parts. But, you're Alphas ... so let's just go ahead a prepare some responses to the frequently asked questions right here, right now:
Question: What is the Alpha Rho Centennial Campaign?
Answer: The Alpha Rho Centennial Campaign was launched on January 5, 2018, the 94th Anniversary of the chartering of Alpha Rho Chapter at Morehouse College. The 7-year campaign -- chaired by Brother Earl N. Caldwell II (Fall 1982) -- seeks to raise $2.5 million to support scholarships at the college. To achieve maximum participation from all generations of the alumni Brotherhood, the contribution levels have been organized into manageable payment periods that extend the entire 84-month period leading up to the chapter's 100th Anniversary on January 5, 2024.
Question: How do I make my commitment to the Alpha Rho Centennial Campaign known to the college and the campaign committee?
Answer: To track participation and accurately record the Society Level you have chosen, we've designed a commitment form that you can access directly from this section of the website. You can download a copy of the commitment form at the bottom of this page.
Question: Will my company's MATCHING DONATION be used to calculate my giving level for the campaign?
Answer: Absolutely, yes. Please note though that the matching portion of your contribution from your company is not automatically triggered with your own donation. The employee must initiate the matching gift process by way of your own payroll department, and Morehouse College will certify the receipt of your donation at their request.
Question: Can I use my PLANNED GIVING to Morehouse College as a way of achieving one of the society giving levels for the campaign?
Answer: Absolutely, Yes. You can designate the Alpha Rho Endowment Fund as the destination of your PLANNED GIVING and be recognized at the society level equal to your planned gift. This contribution must be documented as an "irrevocable planned gift" in order for it to qualify for recognition as well.
Question: How do I establish a PLANNED GIVING donation to the college?
Answer: Morehouse College's Planned Giving Officer Angela Glover is available to educate and guide you through the process. She can be reached at
Question: I understand that several of the Alpha Rho lines are conducting "challenge drives" to assist in achieving 100% participation from our 660-member association. Where can I receive guidance on using the Alpha Rho Alumni Association website/blog ( to promote my line's giving rates and goals?
Answer: The AP website is ready and willing to provide promotion as designed by any of our members. Please email: with your request and details.
Question: Where can I find a listing of the Brothers who are members of the Alpha Rho Centennial Campaign?
Answer: The roster of committee members can be accessed via the link at the bottom of this page.
Question: In addition to recognition from the Alpha Rho Chapter Alumni Association (APCAA), will my contributions be recognized by Morehouse College in their annual reporting and recognition events?
Answer: Absolutely, yes. As with all giving directly to the college, your contributions are 100% tax-deductible and are reflective in your lifetime giving totals and at recognition events.
Question: I am already a proud supporter of Morehouse College. Does my contribution need to specify the Alpha Rho Endowment Fund in order to achieve the society levels described above?
Answer: Yes, the destination of your contribution must be exact, as in the Alpha Rho Endowment Fund, designation code #62212. If you currently are a participant in a different monthly recurring gift program you can modify your destination by contacting the OIA Department. Your request must be in writing via email to:
[Special thanks to our "Sign Language Interpreter" Brother Xavier Houston-Sims, Spring 2018]